Wednesday 15 October 2008


This is the current state of our toilet.

It is apparently policy for the local authorities to smash up toilets of uninhabited homes, to deter squatters.

Of all the repairs taking place in the flat, the toilet is the one repair job that neither of us has yet to approach, apart from buying parts for it. Our job is to re-connect the toilet to the waste water pipe. The key question I have been asking is...

...when we start to chisel away at the foam blocking the pipe (as seen in the photo below), will anything come out from it?

Will all the Marigold gloves be able to protect us? All the veteran squatters around us seem to have no answer to my enquiring about this, which means they can't be proper veteran squatters then.

An answer obviously awaits (with much anticipation), let's hope it smells nice.